'Dance for me, oh oh. Burlesque dance that is. Get lacy and move to Dance Monkey choreography by Tones And I. This is a flirty and fun easy burlesque dance choreography that will engage your leg muscles and even make your legs a little sore. Learn this Burlesque Burn choreo and other fierce, feminine dance moves when you join our online dance studio now. No dance experience required! We\'re bringing this dance monkey coreografia all over the world. Get 15 Days FREE when you join now! https://bit.ly/3hyqkhG Burlesque Burn is one of the #danceworkouts made available for you from Hip Shake Fitness your on demand dance workout studio. We are an inclusive community for women who love dancing to get fit. Our dance studio members get access to hundreds of premium dance and toning workout videos, new content weekly, goal specific programs & challenges, healthy recipes and a body positive community for only $18 a month. *** Follow Hip Shake Fitness on social media. https://www.facebook.com/HipShakeFitness/ https://www.instagram.com/hipshakefitness/ *** Dance Monkey Choreography Instructor: Erica https://www.instagram.com/16mermaids/ Dance Monkey Burlesque Dancers: Anne: https://www.instagram.com/anniesaurous/ Lesley: https://www.instagram.com/juicygloots/ Tones And I Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQeiBlCcS4-XGwFjrvDn96w Dance Monkey by Tones And I original music video: https://youtu.be/q0hyYWKXF0Q #burlesquedance #dancemonkeychoreography Try our Trampoline Burlesque Dance Choreography For Beginners https://youtu.be/aZfV7Y5uYAw Checkout our dance choreography playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEX0f7oP3IQQ6-mCD2ypBlSNqD8PFFKr_'
Tags: dance monkey choreography , burlesque dance , burlesque tutorial , burlesque choreography , easy burlesque dance , tones and i dance
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